A regular meeting of the Chestnuthill Township Board of Supervisors was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 4, 2002, at the Municipal Building, Rte 715, Brodheadsville, Pa.  Those present were Maureen Tatu (Vice Chairman), Mike Possinger and Atty. Joseph P. McDonald, Jr.  Chuck Gould was absent.


The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Dr. Clark.


Public Comment. 


Dr. Clark.  Asked the Board what they expected to accomplish over the next three years? Maureen said she has promoted open space in the Township. Mike said he is in favor of open space in a controlled stance. Not spot zoning and he is not in favor of buying everything that comes along.


Al Bourke.  Next year we are mandated to have curbside recycling, what is the Township doing? Maureen stated we are putting together a new ordinance and we are in the process of addressing this issue.


Minutes. On motion made by Mike, seconded by Maureen it was voted to approve the minutes of the May 7, 2002, meeting as distributed. (2-0) On motion made by Mike, seconded by Maureen, it was voted to approve the minutes of the May 24, 2002, meeting as distributed. (2-0)




PV Chemical Free Graduation Party. This donation request is on the agenda under New Business.


Accountable Assets, Inc.  This company has completed our inventory and proposes to furnish the Township with the infrastructure data e.g. traffic signals, roads, land, and depreciation schedules reflecting all assets over the $500 capitalization threshold necessary for GASB 34 compliant of the fixed asset inventory valuation report. On motion made by Mike, seconded by Maureen it was voted to accept and sign this proposal. (2-0)


Old Business.


Orchard View Estates.  No one was present, however, on motion made by Mike, seconded by Maureen it was voted to table. (2-0)


Employee Handbook.  This handbook is currently in the development stages, and will be finished upon the completion of the union contract. On motion made by Maureen, seconded by Mike it was voted to table this matter. (2-0)

Open Space Fundraising. Currently on this committee are Mike Possinger and Dr. Clark. They are trying to set a date to meet and will advise Chuck. Dr. Clark faxed a request to Steve McCormick of the Nature Conservancy asking him to get in touch with him to set up a time to discuss funding options. Russ asked Dr. Clark if he has had any contact with Rotary Clubs, Senior Clubs, etc. Dr. Clark replied that we are looking for funding of six figures and did not feel these clubs would be able to help.


Time Clock. Dr. Clark asked why the Township trusts the road crew with a $50,000.00 truck, but would not trust them with a $1,000.00 computer to punch in on.  Cathy replied that trust is not an issue; the point was that the garage is too dirty and dusty for a computer to be in and the clock that was just purchased works just fine.


Grass Cutting.  The grass is very high on the island on Foothill Blvd in Sierra View that is owned by the Bethlehem Water Company. Can anything be done about this? Mike said he will make some phone calls tomorrow.


Flower Tents. Maureen gave an update on the meeting with the Flower Tent committee on May 29. The group put together a draft ordinance on peddling and soliciting and after a review by Atty. McDonald, this can be ready for public inspection.  A public hearing would have to be held if this would be considered an amendment to the Ordinance. The group decided not to wipe out the flower tents completely, but to work with them.


Senior Citizens Advisory Group. Maureen still needs two more people for this group. Currently in this group are Robert Baker,  Al Bourke and Fran Dorshimer. Maureen would like to get together with them, sit down, and gather input to share with developers on senior citizens needs.


New Business.


Infrastructure Coordinator.  On motion made by Mike, seconded by Maureen it was voted to hire Andrea Stangl as Infrastructure Coordinator. (2-0)


FOB Material Bids. There were three bids as follows:

Description                             Eureka Stone             Hanson           Gordon

1000 ton 1B                             $8.75                           $7.75               $0

1000 ton 2B                               6.00                             6.20                 0

1000 ton 3                                 5.70                             6.85                 0

  550 ton ¼”                               none                             6.00                 0

2100 ton ID2                           25.70                           25.90                 0

2100 ton cold patch                  42.80                           45.00                 0

2100 ton anti skid                        5.70                            6.00                 0

2100 ton gabion                         none                             9.00                 0

3100 ton 2RC                             4.00                            4.20                 0

200 gal EC oil                            none                             none                 1.78 a gal


On motion made by Mike, seconded by Maureen it was voted to purchase materials as per the lowest bid in each category. (2-0)


Union Contract.  One item needs to be clarified regarding the pension. We may need to hold a special meeting to sign this contract. On motion made by Mike, seconded by Maureen it was voted to table this pending clarification on this issue, with a meeting date to follow. (2-0)


Employee Memorandum of Understandings. Employee Joe Weston and Cathy A. Baker have an understanding  with the Board to have agreements stating their titles and job descriptions. These Understandings also include their current benefits. Cathy has agreed to step out of the union to accept this management position and new title. On motion made by Maureen, seconded by Mike it was voted to recognize the importance of their work, approve, and sign these memorandum of understandings. (2-0)


Executive Sessions. June O’Neill asked when the executive sessions have taken place as she did not see them listed in the Minutes. Unfortunately, Chuck’s wife was ill and he could not attend at the last minute, so Maureen stepped up to fill in and did not have her calendar with her with the dates.


Interim Tax Collector. After a brief discussion by the Board, on motion made by Maureen, seconded by Mike it was voted to appoint Joan Rinker Interim Tax Collector, effective July 1, 2002.  Ms. Rinker is an accountant and with her integrity and honesty, the Board felt she would be the best candidate. Her term is until 12/31/03 and if she runs and wins the election that year, she would complete the remainder of Ms. Pat Meckes remaining term.


Zoning Map Change. Atty. McDonald had an application forwarded to him by Zoning Officer Walter Hanson requesting a zoning map change by a private landowner. Atty. McDonald felt this application was incomplete and required more information. On motion made by Maureen, seconded by Mike it was voted to table this issue pending the receipt of further information. (2-0)


Donation Request. The Pleasant Valley Chemical Free Graduation Committee has asked the Board for a donation for their party. This party takes place the night of graduation from 10 p,m, to 6 a.m. and keeps kids off the street and free from drugs and alcohol. It is a great program and on motion made by Maureen, seconded by Mike it was voted to donate $150.00. (2-0)  Russ Fisher said we are looking to promote more programs like this, as we have lost many kids this year due to deaths.


Meeting Change. Due to a conflict in scheduling, the meeting on Tuesday, June 18, 2002 has been cancelled and will be rescheduled to Thursday, June 20, 2002 at 7:00 p.m.  


Receptionist & Planning Director. Interviews are in the process and will be announced when they are finished.


Bills.  On motion made by Mike, seconded by Maureen it was voted to pay the bills. (2-0)


Adjournment.  There being no further business, on motion made by Mike, seconded by Maureen it was voted to adjourn at 8:30 p.m.. (2-0)


Respectfully submitted,




Cathy A. Baker, CGS, CMC

Recording Secretary