A regular meeting of the Chestnuthill Township Board of Supervisors was called to order at  7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, March 19, 2002, at the Municipal Building, Route 715, Brodheadsville.  Those present were Chuck Gould (Chairman), Maureen Tatu, Mike Possinger, and Attorney    Joseph P. McDonald, Jr.

 The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Kevin Ammerman.

 Public Comment. 

 Mike Possinger.  Mike stated that he has been speaking with Gary Nasca about setting up ballfields at the old transfer station.  It is permissible to just put slides on the property and monitor its methane levels.  Chuck responded that he has a concern about letting children play on top of land that has something unknown buried underneath it.  He stated that a mandatory site is needed for recycling and branch composting, and it would be better to use that land for those purposes.  Maureen agreed.  Dave Fleetwood asked how much of the property was not used for a landfill.  Mike responded, “Ten to twelve acres.”  Dr. Clark asked if the ground is sealed underneath the Transfer Station.  Gary Nasca responded that nothing is buried underneath the Transfer Station.   

 Dave Johnson.  Dave Johnson reminded the Township Supervisors and the members of the public that the next PIC Committee meeting will be held on Thursday, April 4 at 7:00 P.M.  The Committee’s first field day will be held on Saturday, April 6.  A brief meeting between the participants will be held at the Municipal Building at 7:00 A.M.  The participants will gather their clothing and supplies at this meeting, and they will be in the field from 8:00 A.M. until        12:00 Noon.  Mr. Johnson then asked the Township Supervisors if they could provide funding for refreshments.  On motion by Mike, seconded by Maureen, it was voted to provide $50.00 to the PIC Committee for refreshments on their Field Day. 

 Walter Hansen.  Walter Hansen, the Township Zoning Officer, stated that he has received numerous calls from individuals requesting the date of the next Appliance Pickup.  Chuck stated that the earlier in April that the Appliance Pickup could be done, the better.  On Motion by Mike, seconded by Maureen, the Board appointed Cathy Baker and Dave Johnson to look at optimum dates in April and then contact Gary Nasca to set the up the Appliance Pickup (3-0).      

 Dr. Clark.  Dr. Clark donated $50.00 of his own money towards the ESSA/FOP land option.  Chuck asked for an update from Dr. Clark and Mike Possinger on their Open Space fundraising efforts.  The response was that they have not been able to get together yet.  Chuck stated that he would like an update soon.

 Delbert Heller.  Mr. Heller asked the Supervisors for an update on the witnesses to the dumping at the Romascavage Property.  Chuck replied that there are no new developments and no concrete information has been obtained yet.    

  Approval of the Minutes.

 On motion made by Mike, seconded by Maureen, it was voted to approve the minutes of the Tuesday, March 5, 2002 Township Supervisors’ Meeting with the noted correction:  on page 5, paragraph 3, line 6, remove the words, “She read his response aloud.”  It should read, “Ms. McShane indicated that he would like to see even more strict regulations enacted regarding flood plains.”  (3-0) 


 Chuck stated that April 27 is “March for Parks.”  From 11:00 A.M. until 1:00 P.M. there will be a site tour of the Romascavage Property.  Coffee and refreshments will be served.  Similar events will be scheduled in the future on a site-by-site basis. 


 Maureen stated that Chuck and the Township are being honored in Harrisburg on March 29 as an Outstanding Donee for their effective use of  the Federal Surplus Property Program.  Chuck will not be able to attend the ceremony and has invited a representative from Harrisburg to attend the April 2nd Township Supervisors’ Meeting and present the award there.  Maureen then stated that she received correspondence from the USDA Office of Rural Development she found interesting regarding the availability of community grants for health care, police, child care, etc.  She will pass this information on to the grant writers.  Maureen then spoke of a letter received from Gail Borger at the Monroe County Office of Registration and Elections.  Individuals are being sought to work at election sites during both the Primary and General Elections this year.  They are currently short almost 100 workers.  Most workers will be paid $95.00 for the day; the Judge of Electors will be paid $100.00.  The work day is from 6:00 A.M. until 10:00 P.M. 

 Joe McDonald stated that he wanted to make the Board aware that he received correspondence from the Township Engineer asking him to review a two page agreement between the Pleasant Valley School District and the Trans-Continental Pipeline.  Attorney McDonald does not believe that this matter involves the Township.     

 Old Business.

 Orchard View Estates.  On motion made by Mike, seconded by Maureen, this has been tabled until the next meeting (3-0). 

 Employee Handbook.  Cathy Baker, Joe Weston, and Dave Johnson met with Special Legal Counsel Mike Carr regarding the Employee Handbook.  There are a couple of minor changes that Cathy would like to see made to the draft and would like to have another meeting with Dave before the draft is taken before the Board.  Chuck asked if this draft can be brought before the Board at the April 2nd meeting.  Dave stated that he will have a final meeting with Cathy, and he will take the draft to Attorney Carr for any finishing touches and request that Attorney Carr fax any comments back ASAP.  Chuck then asked Attorney McDonald if he needs to see the draft.  Attorney McDonald responded that that is the Board’s decision, but this matter has been on the table since November and the Board should act on it without further delay.  Action will be taken at the first meeting in April.

 Mike Possinger and Al Bourke.  Mike stated that he and Mr. Bourke toured various properties in the Township looking for the possibility of another location for a police station or Fraternal Order of Police lodge.  Al Bourke then stated that there are four possible locations:  The ESSA Property, the Marraffino Property, the property across the street from the West End Fire House (he believes it is owned by Frantz), and the Transfer Station Property.  Al feels that the 12 acres of wooded land bordering the Transfer Station on the right would be an ideal location.  Al and Mike would like HRG to perform a traffic study and make recommendations for an optimum location.

HRG Update.  Doug Smith and Paul Meaichello from HRG presented their completed Task I Report to the Supervisors.  Eleven key intersections are covered in this report.  The report includes existing conditions, five-year accident histories, and traffic court histories and analyses.  They are currently working on the Task II Report, which will incorporate land use information and more traffic studies.  When asked if they could identify options for a police station location in the Task II Report, they responded that it would not be a problem.  Chuck stated that he would read the Task I Report and be in touch with Mr. Smith and Mr. Meaichello in a few weeks.  Ray Montoro asked for clarification on the involvement of HRG in determining the best location for a police station.  Chuck responded that they would study the traffic impacts that a proposed area would cause, and they would calculate estimated response times.  Mr. Montoro pointed out that most responses are made from a police car, not from the station.

 Time Clock (Added to the Agenda the Night of the Meeting).  Lorelei Sands, Chestnuthill Township Receptionist, reported on the research she had made for the purchase of a new time clock for the Township Employees.  She selected a computerized time recorder made by a company that also manufactures parking meters.  The company has been in business for over 50 years, and so has the business the clock would be purchased from.  The clock will record accrued hours per worker for a biweekly pay period.  The cost of the clock is $1,250.00, and the cost of the maintenance agreement is $165.00 per year.  On motion by Mike, seconded by Maureen, it was voted to purchase the time clock and maintenance agreement.  Dr. Clark and Gary Nasca stated that they have information on less expensive time clocks that they believe should be investigated before the purchase of this time clock.  The motion to purchase this time clock was then withdrawn pending the information on the other time clocks, which will be presented at the April 2nd meeting (motion by Mike, seconded by Maureen, 3-0).

 New Business.

 Cancellation of April 16, 2002 Township Supervisors’ Meeting.  The April 16th Chestnuthill Township Supervisors’ Meeting will be canceled, due to their attendance at a Township Supervisors’ Convention.  On motion by Chuck, seconded by Mike, a bill paying meeting has been scheduled for that following Friday, April 19th, at 6:30 A.M. (3-0).

 Roadmaster Request to Purchase Roller.  Cathy Baker stated that Joe Weston, the Township Roadmaster, has located a vibratory drum roller through the Federal Surplus Property Program.  The roller costs $17,500.00.  A new one would cost over $60,000.00 to purchase.  Cathy stated that $66,000.00 was allotted in the Roadmaster’s budget for the purchase of a roller, so there would be a substantial savings with the purchase of this one.   The mechanics have checked it out, and it is in good condition.  Dave Fleetwood asked what the roller would be used for.  Chuck responded that the roller would be used for road paving.  Maureen stated that she believed the roller would be a good investment.  On motion by Mike, seconded by Maureen, it was voted to purchase the roller (3-0).              

 Purchase of “Swipe Card” Entry System for Park Building.  There is currently a system in place of individuals borrowing keys to utilize the Park Building.  There have been problems with individuals not returning keys in a timely manner or not returning them at all.  The new “swipe card” system will allow the Township Receptionist to program the cards given out to work only on certain days and only at certain times, and she can also deactivate cards that are not returned.  Al Bourke asked how this entry system will work with the Park Building’s current alarm system.  Chuck responded that the system will arm when the last individual leaves the building.  Dave Johnson asked if a card deposit is being considered to pay for cards that are not returned.  Chuck responded that the Supervisors are considering $5.00 check deposits that are returned upon the return of the swipe card.  Upon motion by Mike, seconded by Chuck, it was voted to purchase the “swipe card” entry system (3-0). 

 West End Little League (Added to the Agenda the Night of the Meeting).  Dave Fleetwood announced that Saturday, May 4 will be “West End Little League Hometown Hero Recognition Day.”  This is to honor local heroes involved in the September 11th Tragedy.  The event starts at 11:00 A.M. at the West End Fairgrounds.  At Noon there will be a short parade that will start at the Fairgrounds, make a left onto County Drive, and proceed to the end of County Drive.  Refreshments will be served after the parade.  At 2:00 P.M. there will be a Little League game in the Gilbert Field.  Mr. Fleetwood then inquired about obtaining the necessary permits to hold the event, including obtaining permission from PennDOT to shut down Fairgrounds Road.  Cathy Baker stated that a written request for permission should be sent to her with a copy of the West End Little League’s certificate of insurance, and in turn the Township Supervisors would send a letter to PennDOT.  If PennDOT grants permission, they will send the Township Supervisors a letter.  Maureen stated that she likes the idea of “Hometown Hero Recognition Day” and believes it is a good community effort.  Upon motion by Maureen, seconded by Mike, it was voted to approve the “Hometown Hero Recognition Day” event (3-0).  

Approval to Pay the Bills.

On motion by Mike, seconded by Maureen, it was voted to pay the bills for both the General and State Funds (3-0).

 Guest Speaker.

 As the result of recent redistricting, Kelly Lewis now represents District 4 in Chestnuthill Township.  Representative Lewis was present to request support from the Township’s  Supervisors and citizens for House Bill 2408.  House Bill 2408 is a 100% “phase-out” of school property taxes in a two-year period.  Fifty percent will be phased out the first year and the other 50% the following year.  The school property taxes would be replaced by increasing the State Income Tax by 1.1% and increasing the State Sales Tax by 1%.  Representative Lewis brought yellow post cards for citizens to sign to show their support.  He is trying to obtain 10,000 cosponsors of this bill by March 31.  Ray Montoro asked if pensions would be taxed.  They would.  However, Earned Income Tax is not touched under this bill.  Chuck asked if this bill contains anything to give municipalities “more teeth” to help control the explosive growth in the area.  This bill does not address this issue.  Upon motion made by Maureen, seconded by Mike, it was voted to support the effort to eliminate school property taxes (3-0).       


 Pleasant Valley School District (Added to the Agenda the Night of the Meeting).  Upon motion made by Mike, seconded by Maureen, approval was given to sign the plans for the Pleasant Valley School District (3-0).

  LTS Development, Inc. (118 Lot Major Residential Subdivision).  The Township Supervisors imposed a checklist of conditions at the Preliminary Approval of this plan on August 15, 2000.  All of the following conditions have been met:

            1.                  $100,000.00 Road Bond

2.                  $25,000.00 Voluntary Donation in Lieu of the Requested Water Storage Tank for Fire Protection Purposes

3.                  $100.00 Donation per Lot to the Township, to be Used for Park and Recreation Purposes

4.                  Road Stone and Breakaway Gates for a Fire Easement Access

5.                  Agricultural Easement Covenant

6.                  Road Design on Sheet 20.01B will be the Roadway System for the Project, as Depicted in the Final Plan

 John Cote of Langan Engineering showed the plans to the Township Supervisors. 

 Dr. Clark asked how the approval of this plan could be in accordance with Township Ordinances to limit growth.  Chuck explained that the Preliminary Approval of this plan occurred prior to the existing Zoning Amendments.

 Upon motion by Maureen, seconded by Mike, it was voted to approve this plan (3-0).


 Upon motion by Mike, seconded by Maureen, the meeting adjourned at 9:55 P.M. (3-0).                      

 Respectfully submitted,

 Lorelei Sands

for Cathy A. Baker, C.G.S.

Recording Secretary
